Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Class for 11-9-05

Welcome back to the Classroom of Love!

Homework: Enjoy your evening.

Bellwork: Rally Robin with your eyeball partner for 30 seconds remembering yesterday's class.


  1. Partner A solves the first problem.
  2. Partner B watches and listens, coaches, and praises.
  3. Partner B solves the next problem.
  4. Partner A watches and listens, checks and praises.
  5. Repeat starting at step one.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Class for 11-8-05

Welcome back to the Classroom of Love!

Homework: Find out how the referenda vote comes out with percents. Must be written.

Bellwork: Please write the date (11-8-05) at the top of a new page in your comp. book. Then, take 5 minutes to write your answer to the question below:

What are your thoughts on preserving the environment?


1. Teacher poses a problem to which there are many possible responses or answers.
2. In pairs, students take turns sharing responses or solutions.

Find Someone Who…

1. Students mix in the class, keeping a hand raised until they find a new partner that is not a teammate.
2. In pairs, Partner A asks a question from the worksheet; Partner B responds. Partner A records the answer on his or her own worksheet.
3. Partner B checks and initials the answer.
4. Partner B asks a question; Partner A responds. Partner B records the answer on his or her own worksheet.
5. Partner A checks and initials the answer.
6. Partners shake hands, part, and raise a hand again as they search for a new partner.
Students repeat steps 1-6 until their sheets are complete.
7. When their worksheets are completed, students can sit; seated students can be approached by others as a resource.


Friday, November 04, 2005

Class for 11-4-05

Welcome back to the Classroom of Love!

You know what I expect of you. You know what you are capable of. You know how to respect and treat others well. Remember these things throughout class today.

Homework: Think about how you will make my class a great place for learning when you return Monday.

Today, we have 4 tasks to complete.

Task 1: Journal Entry
Task 2: Catch up from yesterday
Task 3: Unit Review
Task 4: Letter

Task 1: In your Comp. Books, please write the date at the top of a clean page. Then, for 10 minutes, write to explain your behavior in our classroom over the past week. Remember, when I ask you to explain, I’m looking for what happened and extensions and elaborations to tell me how, why and what it looked like. When time is called, Miss Carrigan will call on one student to collect the Comp. Books and place them where they belong on the back bookshelf.

Task 2: I know I gave you quite a bit of work to complete yesterday. I have the work that was turned in to me, but also want to give you a chance to complete what you did not have time to complete.

Special Note: Miss Carrigan passed along the observation that many of you were struggling with yesterday’s assignment. This is ok, much of this should be new material that you cannot simply read the problem and find the answer. You must Must MUST read the unit and explanations that come before the assigned problems if you are going to understand what to do.

Task 3: This task is to be completed ON YOUR OWN. Each unit has an “Extra Practice” section at its end. Today, please complete as much of this section as you can, working alone. I will check the papers at the end of the day to see how far each student was able to get. The Unit’s and their page number for their “Extra Practice” sections are listed below.

Unit 1: Page 30
Unit 3: Page 99
Unit 5: Page 184
Unit 7: Page 264
Unit 9: Page 337
Unit 11: Page 418

Task 4: If you complete Tasks 1-3, your assignment is to write a letter to me. Your topic can be whatever you choose. Write it about class, your life, the space station, music, etc. When you have finished with your letter, please sign it and give it to Miss Carrigan to pass on to me.

Thank you for your attention and respect. I will see you Monday.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Class for 11-2-05

Welcome back to the Classroom of Love!

Homework: Explain your team's assessment to a parent or guardian.

Today you have 3 tasks to complete.

Task 1: Essential Information No. 48.
Task 2: Review the checklist-rubric.
Task 3: Steps 1-5

Task 1: Please write the following Essential Information in Section 4 of your binders:

No. 48 Though others around you may try to distract you and take you off task, remember you are responsible for your own choices and will be held responsible for you own actions.

Task 2: Please listen and participate as needed as Miss Carrigan reviews the steps to creating your lesson. As you review the checklist, think to yourself, "Am I doing what I need to do to make sure I am ready to teach the class?"

Task 3: We're focusing on Steps 1-5 of the checklist again today. The difference? You individual lists of key concepts as well as your team's Master List are due at the end of the period today. You team's quiz/assessment is also due at the end of the period so I can look over your work tonight and make certain you are all on the right track. You have had three full days of class to work on this, so I am expecting some great stuff.

Once you have finished Steps 1-5, I have left sheets of chart paper on the back tables. Each team gets one piece of paper on which to complete the WEB described in step 6.

Alternative: If, for some reason, you choose not to work with your group or on this project today, you will read silently in class and complete the Reading Inventory sheet I have created for you. This does NOT mean you will not be responsible for the group work you choose not to do. It simply means a choice on your part not to complete the assignment does not give you the right to do no learning or thinking in my class.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Class for 11-1-01

Welcome back to the Classroom of Love!

Today's homework: Tell your parent or guardian one thing you and your group accomplished in planning your lesson for class today.

Today, you have three tasks to complete:

Task 1: Essential Information No. 47
Task 2: Lesson Checklist-Rubric
Task 3: Individual Chapter Notes
Task 4: Group Master List of Key Concepts
Task 5: Begin Writing Unit Assessment

Task 1: Please write the following information in Section 4 of your binders:

No. 47 Remember that your actions do not exist in a vacuum and that your choices bad or good will be remembered and called into question long after you make them.

Task 2: Miss Carrigan will pass out and review the Checklist-Rubric for this week.

On this sheet of paper, you will find step-by-step instructions to completing your lesson plan. If you pay close attention to what they ask you to do, you will have a successful project.

As of today, I expect all groups to be working on items 1-5 of the checklist. There is no need for you to be using computers yet, nor is there any need for you to be using my teaching resources.

If you have a question on the Checklist-Rubric that Miss Carrigan cannot answer, please write it on a Post-It note and I will respond to you tomorrow.

Task 3: Continue your individual notes on your assigned units that you began yesterday. If you need more specific instructions, please see Task 3 for yesterday's class. Remember, each group member is responsible for turning in his or her individual notes.

Task 4: After each group member has completed his/her notes on the Key Concepts for the Unit, as a group, please draft a master list of the key concepts. This may mean you throw out some people's ideas or that you add ideas no one had come up with.

Task 5: After you have shown Miss Carrigan each group member's notes on the unit's key concepts as well as the groups Master List of Key Concepts, you may begin creating your group's test.

This test should include assessment of all of the key factors you addressed in your Master List and cannot include any fill-in-the-blank or True/False questions. Multiple Choice, Short Response and Extended Response questions are allowed.

Alternative assignment: If, for some reason, you choose not to work with your group or on this project today, you will read silently in class and complete the Reading Inventory sheet I have created for you. This does NOT mean you will not be responsible for the group work you choose not to do. It simply means a choice on your part not to complete the assignment does not give you the right to do no learning or thinking in my class.