Thursday, December 15, 2005

Semester Exam

Welcome to the Exam of Love!

Your Exam: Essay

For your Semester Exam, you must plan, write and revise a formal essay.

From the options below, select the one that inspires you the most.

Choice 1
Think of and write about the person you admire most. Write to explain why you admire that person. Include a specific instance or anecdote about that person that gained them your admiration.
Choice 2
An editorial in one local paper has invited readers to comment on the situations of violence and vandalism that are increasing in our schools. Assume that you have the opportunity to respond to the editorial by writing a column. In a well-organized five paragraph essay, discuss what you believe to be some of the causes for this problem and offer possible solutions; where possible, draw upon your own experience and observation to support your discussion.

Choice 3
“The more things change, the more they stay the same.” Do you agree with this statement? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your position on this issue. Support your point of view with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.
Choice 4
Writing Situation
All of us have seen the effects of peer pressure in school situations. The pressure can result in bullying, in unusual competition, in experimentation with alcohol and drugs, or even suicide. Other results such as non-conformity with school dress codes, unwillingness to display academic ability, etc. are less dramatic but nevertheless just as real.

The Writing Directions
In a well-organized essay consider your own experiences with peer pressure in school settings. Identify a particular example, either one you personally experienced or one you observed; describe the situation, the kind of pressure exerted, and the result. Indicate what implications there might be from this experience for how you, as a teacher, can help students to cope with peer pressure in school.

Choice 5
I have learned many things that have helped me in life, but one thing that was especially valuable was ______ Assignment: Write an essay that completes the statement above. Explain the reasons behind your choice.

Choice 6
"There has always been great passion to keep things as they are." "There has always been great passion to bring about change." In an essay, discuss ONE of the two statements above, supporting your views with an example or examples from science, art, music, history, literature, current events, or your own experience or observation.

Choice 7
“Whatever is right is right even if no one else is doing it. What is wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it.” Write to explain the quotation above and explain whether or not you agree with it.

Choice 8
Writing Situation: If you could choose to be any animal for forty-eight hours, what would you be?
Directions for Writing: Before you begin writing, think about what kind of animal you would like to be - a wild animal, farm animal, or a household pet. Now explain in an essay why you chose this animal. Support your ideas with examples and details.

Choice 9
Writing Situation: The U.S. Postal Service has honored many individuals from presidents to singers to cartoon characters, by placing their portraits on postage stamps. Whom would you nominate to honor with a postage stamp?
Directions for Writing: Before you begin to write, think about why this person should have his or her own stamp. Now write an essay to tell the reader whom you would choose and explain why that person should be honored with a postage stamp. Support your ideas with examples and details.

Choice 10
Create your own persuasive or expository prompt. Once you have written the prompt, print it and bring it to me for approval.

After you have selected your prompt, create a new Word file, format it according to the essay formatting guidelines and begin typing your rough draft. When you have completed your rough draft, save it to the folder named “Rough Draft” in your period’s folder.

Give your file your last name only. After you have saved your rough draft, begin revising your essay. When revising, make certain you make the most possible use of the following important essay pieces:

Introductory Paragraph
Thesis Statement
Main Idea/Topic Sentence
Figurative Language
Mature Vocabulary

Also, make certain you do all you can to fulfill the requirements for a 6.0 essay:

A 6 paper is superior. It does ALL OR MOST of the following:
Addresses the topic clearly and effectively showing originality, creativity, and depth of thought.
Develops ideas in a clear, logical, and detailed manner, displaying effective organization and coherence.
Uses language effectively with a sense of control.
Commits few, if any, errors in grammar/usage and mechanics.

After you have revised your essay, save it in the “Finished Essay” folder in your period’s folder. Name your file with your last name only.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Class for 12-9-05

Welcome back to the Classroom of Love!

Today you will be showing me you are able to analyze the meaning of words using word structures, content and word origin. You will also be showing me you can write for a variety of occasions, audiences and purposes. (Sarasota Standards 2.1 and 5.5)

Please write the following in your agenda and keep your agenda on your table so that I may see it:

Agenda: Finish writing if you did not complete it in class.

Today, we have two tasks to complete:
Task 1: Create origami object of your choice.
Task 2: Write using the origami object as your muse.

Procedures to remember: 3-Before-Me and Quiet Signal.

Task 1: I have compiled a list of different origami possibilities and linked them to the list below. Simply click on one of the words and you will be taken to the instructions for how to make that object or animal. Select one of the objects and use the paper I have provided to create that object. You may use your team's markers and scissors if needed.

I have samples of each of these if you would like to see them.

Object List:

Task 2: After you have created and decorated your object, please get your comp. book from the back shelf and turn to a blank page.

At the top of the page, please write:
Which object you created

Please use the remainder of your time to write using your object as your muse or inspiration.

You may write for any number of different purposes:

Story, "Once upon a time, there lived a lazy little tree snail..."

Journal entry from the point of view of your object, "It stinks being a paper tank, I've got nothing to do and no one is intimidated by my little folded barrel..."

Production log telling what you thought and felt as you created your object, "Grrrrr, I picked the hat because I thought it would be the easiest to make, but I quickly found out I was wrong..."

Or any other type of writing you can think of. The only rule is that is must include your object directly.

Note: If you do not have time to complete your writing in class, you may take your comp. book home to complete the writing and return it to me Monday at the start of class.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Class for 11-9-05

Welcome back to the Classroom of Love!

Homework: Enjoy your evening.

Bellwork: Rally Robin with your eyeball partner for 30 seconds remembering yesterday's class.


  1. Partner A solves the first problem.
  2. Partner B watches and listens, coaches, and praises.
  3. Partner B solves the next problem.
  4. Partner A watches and listens, checks and praises.
  5. Repeat starting at step one.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Class for 11-8-05

Welcome back to the Classroom of Love!

Homework: Find out how the referenda vote comes out with percents. Must be written.

Bellwork: Please write the date (11-8-05) at the top of a new page in your comp. book. Then, take 5 minutes to write your answer to the question below:

What are your thoughts on preserving the environment?


1. Teacher poses a problem to which there are many possible responses or answers.
2. In pairs, students take turns sharing responses or solutions.

Find Someone Who…

1. Students mix in the class, keeping a hand raised until they find a new partner that is not a teammate.
2. In pairs, Partner A asks a question from the worksheet; Partner B responds. Partner A records the answer on his or her own worksheet.
3. Partner B checks and initials the answer.
4. Partner B asks a question; Partner A responds. Partner B records the answer on his or her own worksheet.
5. Partner A checks and initials the answer.
6. Partners shake hands, part, and raise a hand again as they search for a new partner.
Students repeat steps 1-6 until their sheets are complete.
7. When their worksheets are completed, students can sit; seated students can be approached by others as a resource.


Friday, November 04, 2005

Class for 11-4-05

Welcome back to the Classroom of Love!

You know what I expect of you. You know what you are capable of. You know how to respect and treat others well. Remember these things throughout class today.

Homework: Think about how you will make my class a great place for learning when you return Monday.

Today, we have 4 tasks to complete.

Task 1: Journal Entry
Task 2: Catch up from yesterday
Task 3: Unit Review
Task 4: Letter

Task 1: In your Comp. Books, please write the date at the top of a clean page. Then, for 10 minutes, write to explain your behavior in our classroom over the past week. Remember, when I ask you to explain, I’m looking for what happened and extensions and elaborations to tell me how, why and what it looked like. When time is called, Miss Carrigan will call on one student to collect the Comp. Books and place them where they belong on the back bookshelf.

Task 2: I know I gave you quite a bit of work to complete yesterday. I have the work that was turned in to me, but also want to give you a chance to complete what you did not have time to complete.

Special Note: Miss Carrigan passed along the observation that many of you were struggling with yesterday’s assignment. This is ok, much of this should be new material that you cannot simply read the problem and find the answer. You must Must MUST read the unit and explanations that come before the assigned problems if you are going to understand what to do.

Task 3: This task is to be completed ON YOUR OWN. Each unit has an “Extra Practice” section at its end. Today, please complete as much of this section as you can, working alone. I will check the papers at the end of the day to see how far each student was able to get. The Unit’s and their page number for their “Extra Practice” sections are listed below.

Unit 1: Page 30
Unit 3: Page 99
Unit 5: Page 184
Unit 7: Page 264
Unit 9: Page 337
Unit 11: Page 418

Task 4: If you complete Tasks 1-3, your assignment is to write a letter to me. Your topic can be whatever you choose. Write it about class, your life, the space station, music, etc. When you have finished with your letter, please sign it and give it to Miss Carrigan to pass on to me.

Thank you for your attention and respect. I will see you Monday.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Class for 11-2-05

Welcome back to the Classroom of Love!

Homework: Explain your team's assessment to a parent or guardian.

Today you have 3 tasks to complete.

Task 1: Essential Information No. 48.
Task 2: Review the checklist-rubric.
Task 3: Steps 1-5

Task 1: Please write the following Essential Information in Section 4 of your binders:

No. 48 Though others around you may try to distract you and take you off task, remember you are responsible for your own choices and will be held responsible for you own actions.

Task 2: Please listen and participate as needed as Miss Carrigan reviews the steps to creating your lesson. As you review the checklist, think to yourself, "Am I doing what I need to do to make sure I am ready to teach the class?"

Task 3: We're focusing on Steps 1-5 of the checklist again today. The difference? You individual lists of key concepts as well as your team's Master List are due at the end of the period today. You team's quiz/assessment is also due at the end of the period so I can look over your work tonight and make certain you are all on the right track. You have had three full days of class to work on this, so I am expecting some great stuff.

Once you have finished Steps 1-5, I have left sheets of chart paper on the back tables. Each team gets one piece of paper on which to complete the WEB described in step 6.

Alternative: If, for some reason, you choose not to work with your group or on this project today, you will read silently in class and complete the Reading Inventory sheet I have created for you. This does NOT mean you will not be responsible for the group work you choose not to do. It simply means a choice on your part not to complete the assignment does not give you the right to do no learning or thinking in my class.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Class for 11-1-01

Welcome back to the Classroom of Love!

Today's homework: Tell your parent or guardian one thing you and your group accomplished in planning your lesson for class today.

Today, you have three tasks to complete:

Task 1: Essential Information No. 47
Task 2: Lesson Checklist-Rubric
Task 3: Individual Chapter Notes
Task 4: Group Master List of Key Concepts
Task 5: Begin Writing Unit Assessment

Task 1: Please write the following information in Section 4 of your binders:

No. 47 Remember that your actions do not exist in a vacuum and that your choices bad or good will be remembered and called into question long after you make them.

Task 2: Miss Carrigan will pass out and review the Checklist-Rubric for this week.

On this sheet of paper, you will find step-by-step instructions to completing your lesson plan. If you pay close attention to what they ask you to do, you will have a successful project.

As of today, I expect all groups to be working on items 1-5 of the checklist. There is no need for you to be using computers yet, nor is there any need for you to be using my teaching resources.

If you have a question on the Checklist-Rubric that Miss Carrigan cannot answer, please write it on a Post-It note and I will respond to you tomorrow.

Task 3: Continue your individual notes on your assigned units that you began yesterday. If you need more specific instructions, please see Task 3 for yesterday's class. Remember, each group member is responsible for turning in his or her individual notes.

Task 4: After each group member has completed his/her notes on the Key Concepts for the Unit, as a group, please draft a master list of the key concepts. This may mean you throw out some people's ideas or that you add ideas no one had come up with.

Task 5: After you have shown Miss Carrigan each group member's notes on the unit's key concepts as well as the groups Master List of Key Concepts, you may begin creating your group's test.

This test should include assessment of all of the key factors you addressed in your Master List and cannot include any fill-in-the-blank or True/False questions. Multiple Choice, Short Response and Extended Response questions are allowed.

Alternative assignment: If, for some reason, you choose not to work with your group or on this project today, you will read silently in class and complete the Reading Inventory sheet I have created for you. This does NOT mean you will not be responsible for the group work you choose not to do. It simply means a choice on your part not to complete the assignment does not give you the right to do no learning or thinking in my class.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Class for 10-31-05

Hello, and welcome back to the Classroom of Love.

Homework: Explain one key concept of your unit to your parent or guardian.

Today you have 3 tasks to complete:

Task 1: Essential Information No. 46
Task 2: Assignment of Units
Task 3: Read your assigned units separately and take notes.

Task 1: Please write the following essential information in Section 4 of your binders:

No. 46 When completing a group project, remember the final product is only as good as the efforts of the weakest group member.

Task 2: Please take out the piece of paper titled, “You Week Ahead.” As Ms. Carrigan reads off the list of unit assignments, please put your group’s unit number at the top of the page on the line marked “My Group Unit.”

If you have lost your copy of the “Your Week Ahead” paper, please raise your hand and Ms. Carrigan will bring you a replacement. This is the only day she will be providing replacements, so make certain you put this paper where you will not lose it.

Task 3: Once you have your assigned unit, all you will need to complete the remainder of the class is the English book, some paper and a writing utensil.

It is EXTREMEMLY IMPORTANT that you take your time and put a great deal of effort into this task, because doing poorly on this task will result in your group doing poorly when it is their turn to teach. In short, PAY ATTENTION!

That said, here is what you will need to do:
Task 3.1: Turn to the first page of your unit.
Task 3.2: Begin reading your unit carefully.
Task 3.3: As you read, write any important or key concepts for your unit on a blank piece of paper with your name at the top. This will likely require several sheets of paper and will most likely be something that will take the rest of this class period and part of tomorrow’s class to complete.

Q. Why is this important?
A. Reading the unit you will be responsible for teaching and identifying the key concepts from that unit are absolutely necessary to making sure you can provide your students with the information they require.

Q. What is I have questions about the information from my unit?
A. If you have a question and do not understand something you read:
1. Re-read the information slowly three times and try to figure it out on your own.
2. Raise your hand and wait for Ms. Carrigan to come and answer your question.
3. If Ms. Carrigan has answered your question and you still need further assistance, please write your question on a separate sheet of paper with your name at the top and give it to Ms. Carrigan. I will read your questions when I get back to school and leave you a reply for tomorrow.
4. If you have further questions, you may post a comment to this blog, e-mail me or IM my account.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Class for 10-27-05

Welcome back to the classroom of love!

Homework: Typed, finished essay due at the beginning of class Friday. Remember, this includes your 1)Planning Sheet, 2)Handwritten rough draft with peer comments, and 3) Typed, final copy (formatted correctly).

I will be at school beginning at 8:30 a.m. Friday for any students who have questions or need assistance.

As we have been working on this project since 10-10-05, no excuses for late work will be accepted.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Class for 10-26-05

Welcome back to the classroom of love!

Homework: Please complete your rough draft. If your rough draft is completed, edit a peer's rough draft using the editing checklist you received in class.

Today we have five tasks to complete:

Task 1: Essential Information No. 45
Task 2: Joke Duty
Task 3: Reading
Task 4: Rough Draft Sharing
Task 5: Editing Checklist Explanation

Task 1: Please write the following Essential Information in Section 4 of your binder:

No. 45 Rather than reacting verbally in the heat of the moment, take time to leave the situation, think about what's going on and cool down. This will reduce the chance of otherwise pointless arguments growing out of control.

Task 2: Will the designated joke teller please entertain us.

Task 3: Please, listen and take notes on what you hear while I read for 10 minutes from S.E. Hinton's Rumble Fish.

Task 4: Please take out the Rough Draft versions of your essay. Read through and make any comments you may have on what you have written. I will give you three minutes to complete this task. Afterward, please wait silently for directions.

Task 5: Please participate while we read the editing checklist together and then place it as the last page of your Basics Packet in Section 5 of your binder.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Class for 10-25-05

Welcome Back to the Classroom of Love!

Homework: If you have not already done so, complete the rough draft of your essay.

Today, we have 5 tasks to complete:

Task 1: Good News/Joke Duty
Task 2: Essential Information No. 44
Task 3: Complete Diagnostic Part II
Task 4: Complete Planning Sheet/Rough Draft
Task 5: Question Game

Task 1: Let's take 3 minutes to share good news since the last time we met. Also, I will explain and assign the first joke duty.

Task 2: No. 44 When ordering food, especially in the lunch line, make certain you say, "Please," and "Thank you," at the appropriate times.

Task 3: For those of you who did not complete the Reading Diagnostic Friday, take a few minutes to complete it now. Those students who have already completed the diagnostic should work on their planning sheet and rough draft or read silently.

Task 4: Please take out your completed planning sheets and whatever you may have completed of your rough draft. Based on what you have completed and with the help of your Basics Packet, today we will be writing out our rough drafts.

For those of you who have your rough drafts completed, find someone else in the class to trade with, and edit a peer's rough draft using the editing sheet I will provide.

Task 5: If the class works well and shows expected behavior, we will learn the Question Game. If I do not feel the class has earned the right to the question game, I will save it for next week.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Class for 10-20-05

Welcome back to the classroom of love!

Homework: Complete the rough draft of your essay. Remember to bring something to read Friday.

Today, we have 5 tasks to complete.

Task 1: Homework check
Task 2: Journal Response
Task 3: Essential Information No. 43
Task 4: Rough Drafting
Task 5: Joke Duty

Task 1: Please take out the planning sheets you completed as homework last night and hand them to the person I ask to collect them.

Task 2: Take 13 minutes to respond to the prompt below:

Prompt: Years ago, there were separate public schools for girls and boys, especially at the high school level. Boys went to one school and girls went to another nearby, an entirely different school. Do you think this is a beneficial idea? Should boys and girls attend separate schools? Write for 13 minutes to persuade school officials whether or not they should separate boys and girls into different schools.

Task 3: Essential Information No. 43: You may not choose what happens in your life, but you are constantly in charge of what you do about it.

Task 4: Now that you have completed your planning, it is time to begin work on your rough draft. To complete the rough draft, you will need to use the framework you began on the planning sheet and transfer that to complete paragraphs. You may use your Basics Packet for ideas on vocab choice and other writing devices. Your completed rough draft is due FRIDAY.

Task 5: Mr. Chase will explain.

Class for 10-20-05

Welcome back to the classroom of love!

Homework: Complete the rough draft of your essay. Remember to bring something to read Friday.

Today, we have 5 tasks to complete.

Task 1: Homework check
Task 2: Journal Response
Task 3: Essential Information No. 43
Task 4: Rough Drafting
Task 5: Joke Duty

Task 1: Please take out the planning sheets you completed as homework last night and hand them to the person I ask to collect them.

Task 2: Take 13 minutes to respond to the prompt below:

Prompt: Years ago, there were separate public schools for girls and boys, especially at the high school level. Boys went to one school and girls went to another nearby, an entirely different school. Do you think this is a beneficial idea? Should boys and girls attend separate schools? Write for 13 minutes to persuade school officials whether or not they should separate boys and girls into different schools.

Task 3: Essential Information No. 43: You may not choose what happens in your life, but you are constantly in charge of what you do about it.

Task 4: Now that you have completed your planning, it is time to begin work on your rough draft. To complete the rough draft, you will need to use the framework you began on the planning sheet and transfer that to complete paragraphs. You may use your Basics Packet for ideas on vocab choice and other writing devices. Your completed rough draft is due FRIDAY.

Task 5: Mr. Chase will explain.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Class for 10-19-05

Welcome back to a classroom of love!

Please write the hoemwork in your agenda.
Homework: Complete essay planning sheet. (Eighth grade, you may need to take your Comp. Books home to help you with this.)

Today, we have four tasks to complete.

Task 1: Read aloud
Task 2: Read aloud response
Task 3: Essential Information
Task 4: Essay planning and rough drafting

Task 1: For 10 minutes, listen as I read aloud to the class. While you listen, you may want to take notes on what you hear to better prepare for the Read Aloud Response afterward.

Task 2: In your comp. books, write the date at the top of a new page, title the page "Read Aloud Response #1" and respond to the questions below (Use extensions and elaborations to receive full credit on each answer):
  1. Analyze what you heard in class today and explain why you think the author wrote this book.
  2. Predict what will happen as this book unfolds.
  3. Describe the narrator of this book.

Task 3: Essential Information No. 42:

If all else fails, give a compliment.

Task 4: Today, we will work on completing the planning sheets for our publishable essays. If you have any questions while you are completing the planning, raise your hand and I will help you. Once you have completed your planning, show me and I will tell you whether you are ready to begin your rough draft. If you do not finish your planning sheet, you must do so this evening so that we may move forward with this assignment.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Class for 10-17-05

Hello, it's nice to have you back today!

Homework: Complete figurative language worksheet.

Today, we have 5 tasks to complete.

Task 1: Journal response
Task 2: Essential Information No. 41
Task 3: Review Figurative Language Quiz
Task 4: Complete planning sheet.
Task 5: Homework explained

Task 1: Please respond to the prompt below for 13 minutes. Remember, don't think, just write.

Prompt: Everyone has somethiing or someone that is important to him/her. Pick an object, a person, or a feeling that is important to you and explain why it is so important in your life.

Task 2: Please write the following information in section 4 of your binder:

No. 41 If what you are saying is insulting or demeaning to another person, then it is neither joking nor kidding. Remember the impact your words and actions have on the lifes of others.

Task 3: Once you have received your quiz and looked at your grade, we will have a class discussion of why people scored the way they did.

Task 4: Please take out the planning sheets we started last week and complete them on your own. Remember to use extensions, elaborations and personal stories to make the writing more effective. This planning sheet must be complete by the start of class tomorrow.

Task 5: Those students who scored a 6 or lower on the figurative language quiz must complete the figurative language worksheet as homework tonight. Students whose scores were greater than 6 are welcome to complete the worksheet, but it is not required.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Class for 10-13-05

Welcome Back!

Homework: Have a safe and pleasant 3-day weekend.

Today we have 5 tasks to complete.

Task 1: Essential Information No. 40
Task 2: Turn in homework.
Task 3: Whoosh
Task 4: Figurative language quiz.
Task 5: Writing planning.

Task 1: Please write Essential Information No. 40 in section 4 of your binders.

No. 40 Don't whine.

Task 2: Please pass your homework to the middle of the room.

Task 3: I will explain this activity when we are ready.

Task 4: Please have a piece of notebook paper and a writing utensil prepared for this quiz.

Task 5: Please have your planning sheet out and prepared as we move forward with our publishable work.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Class for 10-12-05

I'm ready for a productive Wednesday!

Homework: Write two similes, two metaphors and two examples of personification.

Today we have 4 tasks to complete:

Task 1: Essential Information No. 39
Task 2: Whirligig
Task 3: Figurative Language Notes For link to notes, click here.
Task 4: Essay Planning

Task 1: Please write No. 39 in section 4 of your binder.

No. 39 Encourage those around you to do their best.

Task 2: What has happened so far in Whirligig? What do you think will happen?
Listen as we find out more.

Task 3: Please take out a piece of paper and copy down the notes I write on the board concerning figurative language. Pay close attention because these are key to successfully completing your homework tonight.

Task 4: Please take out your planning sheet so that we can work through the process together.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Class for 10-11-05

Welcome Back!
I missed you while I was away.

Homework: Write the definition of "idiom" on a piece of notebook paper.

Today, we have four tasks to complete.

Task 1: Essential Information No. 38.
Task 2: Journal Entry (12 Minutes)
Task 3: Continue/complete reverse planning.
Task 4: Debrief

Task 1: Please write No. 38 in section 4 of your binder:

No. 38 Maintain your integrity no matter what happens.
* Look up "integrity" in the dictionary.

Task 2: Please respond to the prompt below in your comp books for 12 minutes.

Prompt: The way a class behaves while in the care of a substitute teacher is a reflection of the level of respect they have for themselves, their daily classroom teacher, their school and their upbringing. When a substitute is present, students should ask themselves, "Am I doing what my teacher would expect of me?", "Am I showing respect for everyone involved?", "Am I doing the best I can?" With all of this in mind, take 12 minutes to write on your behavior and the behavior of your classmates while I was away Friday and Monday. Include the concepts of integrity and respect in your writings. Be honest and fair with your writing.

Task 3: Planning and drafting of essays. (Mr. Chase will lead instruction and begin drafting process.)

Task 4: Discussion of process, thoughts on class.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Class for 10-6-05

Welcome Back To Class!

Homework: Bring book or periodical to read after diagnostic test tomorrow.

Remember: This class is open to those who come ready to learn.

Today, we have tasks to complete:
Task 1: Essential Information
Task 2: Respond to prompt
Task 3: Class discussion
Task 4: Intro. Paragraphs

Task 1: Please take out your binders and write today's essential information in Section 4.
No. 35 When someone else is speaking, think to yourself, "What I have to say is important, but what you have to say is more so."

Task 2: Please respond to the prompt below in your composition book for 12 minutes. This should be 12 minutes of uninterrupted writing time.

Prompt: The state writing assessment test puts pressure on students and their teachers. On the other hand, student writing all over the country has improved since this test has been implemented. What is your opinion on the matter? Should there be a state writing assessment test, or should this particular test be eliminated? Write to convince your state of your opinion on whether there should or should not be a state writing assessment test.

Task 3: When time is called for Task 2, be prepared to discuss your thoughts with the class. Make certain you have included extensions and elaborations to support your answers.

Task 4: Please take out a piece of paper and prepare to take brief notes on intro. paragraphs.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Class for 10-5-05

Welcome Back!

Today’s continuing goal: Generate a written draft for a specific purpose and audience.

Today, we have three tasks to complete:

Task 1: Essential Information (3 min.)
Task 2: Whirligig (15 min.)
Task 3: Zip Zap Zop (10 min.)
Task 4: Introduction paragraphs (17 min.)

Task 1: Please write the following information in Section 4 of your binders:
No. 34 Do not tell others to “shut up,” “be quiet” or the like.

Task 2: Listen as we catch up on the events of Whirligig.

Task 3: Please stand in a circle in the middle of the room and wait for further instructions.

Task 4: Please take out the introductory paragraphs you wrote last night to go along with your “Pledge” essays and wait for further instructions.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Class for 10-4-05

Let’s have a strong Tuesday!

Special Note: Again, today we will be saving files to the server. It is incredibly important that you take care to read the instructions carefully so that you save your files to the correct location with the correct name so that you will get credit for your work. If you have questions, remember to raise your hand and I will be with you as soon as I possibly can.

Homework: Write an introductory paragraph to your “Pledge” essay.

We have four tasks to perform today:
Task 1: Recording Essential Information in Binders
Task 2: Respond to Prompt for 12 Minutes
Task 3: Introductory paragraph notes
Task 4: Body Paragraphs for Pledge Essay

Task 1: Copy the Essential Information from today into Section 4 of your binder.
No. 31 When a guest visits our room, we will be on our best behavior and prepared to answer any questions the guests may have.
No. 32 When I call your home, answer the phone in an appropriate and respectful manner.
No. 33 Keep your hands and feet to yourself.

Task 2:
Respond to this prompt for 12 minutes MS Word.

Prompt: Suppose you have been appointed to a neighborhood improvement committee. You must make recommendations on ways to make your neighborhood a better place to live. Think about some changes you would like to make in your neighborhood. Write an essay to inform your reader of changes you would recommend to improve your neighborhood and why these changes are important.

Save your response as "Last Name" 10-4. My file would be saved as Chase 10-4. Please save your file in this class period's folder in the folder marked "10-4-05 Prompt."Write until time is called. Remember, we write the entire time.

Task 3:
When time is called, please close your computer, take out a blank piece of notebook paper and a writing utensil.
When we have finished writing, click HERE to complete Friday's online quiz. If you do not remember your user name or password, please raise your hand and I will come provide you with that information. Remember to take all three opportunities to improve your quiz score.

Task 4:
If you did not complete it Monday, please take out your body paragraphs from your essay on the "Pledge of Allegiance." Create a new MS Word file or open the file you created yesterday and type in those paragraphs. When you are done, save your essay as "LAST NAME" Pledge. My file would look like this "Chase Pledge." Please save your file in this period's folder in the folder named: Pledge Essay.

Ending task:
If you have extra time today, you may log in to Quizstar and complete your writing quiz. Click here for Quizstar.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Class for 10-3-05

Good Day and Welcome Back!

I'm glad you're here today.

Special Note: Today we will be saving files to the server. It is incredibly important that you take care to read the instructions carefully so that you save your files to the correct space so that you will get credit for your work. If you have questions, remember to raise your hand and I will be with you as soon as I possibly can.

Homework: Think of everything you know about introductory paragraphs. (Please write this in your agenda.)

We have four tasks to perform today:

Task 1: Recording Essential Information in Binders
Task 2: Respond to Prompt for 12 Minutes
Task 3: Completing Online Quiz
Task 4: Reviewing Body Paragraphs for Pledge Essay

Task 1:
No. 29 We will decide to make the best choices.
No. 30 Never cut in line. If someone cuts in front of you, do not say or do anything about it. It's not worth it; just let me know what happened.
No. 31 When a guest visits our room, we will be on our best behavior and prepared to answer any questions the guests may have.
No. 32 When I call your home, answer the phone in an appropriate and respectful manner.

Task 2:
Respond to this prompt for 12 minutes MS Word.

Prompt: Parents, courts, and cities often impose curfews on teenagers. What do you think of curfews? Are they helpful in saving lives and keeping teenagers out of trouble, or are they just another insult to responsible teenagers? Write to explain your position.

Save your response as "Last Name" 10-3. My file would be saved as Chase 10-3. Please save your file in this class period's folder in the folder marked "10-3-05 Prompt."
Write until time is called. Remember, we write the entire time.

Task 3:
When we have finished writing, click HERE to complete Friday's online quiz. If you do not remember your user name or password, please raise your hand and I will come provide you with that information. Remember to take all three opportunities to improve your quiz score.

Task 4:
Please take out your body paragraphs from your essay on the "Pledge of Allegiance." Create a new MS Word file and type in those paragraphs. When you are done, save your essay as "LAST NAME" Pledge. My file would look like this "Chase Pledge." Please save your file in this period's folder in the folder named: Pledge Essay.

Ending task:
Post a comment to this blog explaining whether or not you think the country should continue to spend money on exploring space.

Friday, September 30, 2005

Class for 9-30-05

Welcome to Class!

I'm glad you're here today.

Today we will accomplish the following goals:
1. Write No. 31.
2. Written response to a prompt for 11 minutes.
3. Completion and mastery of an online writing quiz.

If there is time, additional activities have been prepared.

Task 1

Please write the following in section 4 of your binder:
No. 31 When a guest visits our room, we will be on our best behavior and prepared to answer all questions the guests may have.

Task 2

Please read the prompt below and respond as a comment to this blog posting. If you have questions on how to do that, I will model it for the entire class.

Prompt: Much has been written about the negative effects of television on young people. Are all television shows bad for children? Write for 11 minutes describing a show you feel has a positive impact on today's teens and explain how the show could be helpful.

When time is called, we will move on to Task 3.

Task 3

Today we will be taking an online quiz. You must work on your own to complete the quiz. To log in, click here. I have your usernames and passwords and will come around with them. You have two tries to master the quiz. You may not use your notes. I know you have been paying attention and should do a great job with this!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Class for 9-14-05


Today we will be discussing "ethics."

Task 1
Work with your table partner to come up with a conclusion and action decision based on one of the ethical scenarios below. Write your response and make sure you back up your conclusions and decisions with reasons why you chose that answer.

  1. A younger brother comes to you, telling you that another child in the neighborhood has been picking on him, calling him names, etc. He wants you to right the wrong. What do you do?
  2. You are working on a school project in a group. One of your members refuses to do his or her part in the project. What do you do?
  3. There is a gang of girls in the rest room, smoking. This is against school rules. These are pretty tough girls who are known to "get back" at people who "rat" on them. What do you do?
  4. One of your friends has not prepared well for the test today, and you have. The friend would like to copy your answers. What do you do?

When I call time, we will discuss this as a class. Be prepared to explain your scenario, your choices and your reasons.

Task 2
Class discussion of basic values.

Task 3
Read the article linked below. As you read, on a piece of notebook paper, take notes of the main ideas, definitions and important details from the article. You may work with your table partner.

Task 4
Use the information we have uncovered in class to complete the student worksheet. Find the worksheet in the Worksheets folder under "Chase" on the server. When you have finished, save it in your class period's folder as: "last name ethics sheet."

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Class for 9-13-05

Good day! Welcome back to class.

For today’s lesson, you have three tasks to complete:

Finish typing your 3 Adjectives Essay. (15 minutes)
Continue examining verbs. (15 minutes)
Show what you know about verbs. (5 minutes)
Explore a current event and identify main idea and supporting details. (10 minutes)

First, please take out your AGENDA and write TODAY’S HOMEWORK:
Give one high-grade compliment.

Please open you’re your 3 Adjective Essay and finish typing it into the file.
If you do not finish typing your essay in the time given during class, post a comment to the blog telling me your Name and a Time when you will be able to come in BEFORE SCHOOL, AFTER SCHOOL, or DURING LUNCH to finish typing it. If you would like to borrow a disk and finish typing it at home, you should tell me that as well.

TASK 2.1
Please open one of the English books on your table to page 142.
Read the book’s explanation of action and being verbs.
On a piece of notebook paper, write down the parts of the explanation that are important to know about verbs.
You may work with the partner at your table
This should include definitions and examples
After you have completed your notes, please bring them to me. If your notes are complete, I will give you a piece of paper on which to complete TASK 2.2

TASK 2.2
1. Please put your Name, the Date, and your class Period in the upper Left corner of your paper. 2. Complete 1-8 on pg. 142
3. You may work with your table partner if you wish.
4. You do NOT need to write the sentence.
5. You DO need to write the VERB as well as whether it expresses a MENTAL action, PHYSICAL action or BEING.
6. Please turn your completed assignment into your class period’s basket.

Please take out your homework from last night.
Look at your 3 sentences, make certain your name is at the top of the paper.
Underline the verb in each sentence.
After each sentence, write the type of verb you used: physical action, mental action or being verb.
Please, turn in your paper to your class’ basket.

Read This.
In a new Word document:
Type your name, the date and your class period at the upper-left corner of the page.
Identify the main idea and supporting details for 5 of the article’s paragraphs. Make certain you identify the number of the paragraphs.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Class for 9-12-05

Welcome Back!
For today’s lesson, you have three tasks to complete. They include:

  1. Responding to today’s quote (15 minutes)

  2. Finishing typing your essay into your Word file (15 minutes)

  3. Begin examining verbs (15 minutes)

Before we get to that, please take out your agenda and write tonight’s homework in your agenda:
Write three sentences about your Monday. Due 9-13

Today’s quote comes from Kanye West:

“We all self-conscious, I’m just the first to admit it.”

  1. Create a new Word file

  2. Type your name and the date at the top

  3. Copy and paste the quote into the file

  4. Below the quote, explain what West meant and whether or not you are self-conscious. Be certain to use specific examples to back up your main ideas.

  5. When time is called, save your response in the folder marked “9-12-05 Quote. Name your file: Last Name 9-12 Quote

  6. Be prepared to share with your classmates.

  1. Please open your 3 Adjectives Essay and finish typing your rough draft into the Word file you created last week. Remember, you only have 15 minutes to work on this task, so it is important you remain focused.

  2. When time is called, click “File” and then click “Save.”

TASK 3.1

  • Please open one of the English books on your table to page 142.

  • Read the book’s explanation of action and being verbs.

  • On a piece of notebook paper, write down the parts of the explanation that are important to know about verbs.

  • You may work with the partner at your table

  • This should include definitions and examples

  • After you have completed your notes, please bring them to me. If your notes are complete, I will give you a piece of paper on which to complete TASK 3.2

TASK 3.2

  • Please put your Name, the Date, and your class Period in the upper Left corner of your paper.

  • Complete 1-8 on pg. 142

  • You may work with your table partner if you wish.

  • You do NOT need to write the sentence.

  • You DO need to write the VERB as well as whether it expresses a MENTAL action, PHYSICAL action or BEING.

  • Please turn your completed assignment into your class period’s basket.

If you complete TASKS 1-3 and have extra time remaining, you may:
  1. Post a comment to this blog about today's class, your life or anything else on your mind.

  2. Take out a book and read silently.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

A Saturday Well Spent

Yes, it's Saturday and I'm in Tampa. "Are you up there to see a sporting event? Are you there to pick someone up from the airport? Are you there to go to the mall?" The answer to all is, "No."
I'm up here to attend a daylong conference put on by the Tampa Bay Area Writing Project. It's exactly what I need.
Because of all the moving around over the summer, I didn't get to take part in any English Conferences. I depend on these things to sharpen the saw. They fill me with new ideas, yes. More to the point, though, they help me to remember all of the great and amazing things I can be doing in my classroom to help my students to achieve.
Today, I've been to a session on scaffolding, a session on multiple intelligences and now I'm in the third an final session on blogging and IMing and all that in school.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Supply List

I thought it might be helpful to list the supplies required for my classes online. Eighth or ninth grade, it matters not, the supplies are the same. If I may suggest, has some pretty spiffy prices on the items below. I would imagine their in-store prices would be similarly spiffy.

The List
  • 1 Mead Composition Notebook (the black and white kind with the cardboard cover, though other colors are acceptable)
  • Enthusiasm
  • 1 1-inch Binder
  • Dedication
  • At least 12 #2 Pencils
  • Sense of Humor
  • 1 package of college-ruled loose leaf paper (at least 150 sheets)
  • Willingness to try
  • 1 5-pack of binder dividers to keep things organized

Gaining Focus

Another week of NeXt Generation Teacher training started today. Last week's training was facilitated by the folks at the Institute for Research and Reform in Education. They certainly did a great job at giving all of us new insights and techniques to incorporate into our classrooms.

I can't wait to get into the classroom again and meet all of my new students. One of the great parts about being back from summer vacation a few weeks early is the opportunity to meet and and work with the my new colleagues. Being part of a small community of dedicated educators is something that simply motivates me to be a better teacher. When everyone around me is so excited to be doing what they're doing, it motivates me to do even more to make certain each day is my best. It is daunting, and at the same time, exhilarating.

My focus for the upcoming year will be on writing, on helping my students become the expressive, genuine, talented writers I know they are inside.

I was out mowing the lawn this afternoon and took the time to think and focus on any and all of the possibilities that lie in the year ahead. The potential for life and world-changing work from my students is unlimited. Coupled with my interest in improving their writing is my interest in helping them to see their roles and power as thoughtful, productive participants in our society.

At university, my professors referred to it as "Realizing the Democratic Ideal." I was swamped with finals and my senior thesis at the time, so I don't think I really took a close look at the phrase nor the time to think about all it implies. As a teacher, now, with my own classroom and responsibilities to my students, that phrase has returned to the front of my thinking. It's what I think this year needs to be about.

Monday, July 11, 2005

An Early Start

Three weeks of early-morning training sessions began today. I was at Phoenix at 7:45 this morning to begin my training as a NeXt Generation Teacher.

As nerdy as it may seem, I'm excited to be part of the NeXt Generation program. To be a part of the first wave of the program is even more exciting.

I'll admit, I was a bit out of my element at first. Today's session focused on following up on training everyone but I had attended during the second semester of last year. So, each time they were referring to what they had discussed during their last meeting, I was listening to everything I could in order to catch up. I was the kid in class who desperately wanted to contribute, but who had to learn the language first.

About a third of the way through the day, I was up to speed on the whole process and able to be a part of the discussions. What it boils down to is a way to look at teaching in hopes that a class includes a focus in three distinct and important areas: engagement, alignment and rigor.

Is an observed class engaging a large percent of its students at a given moment, and are those students focused on what they should be learning or just on appearing to be listening?

Has the teacher made certain that the materials and tests are actually based on what the state and county say students should be learning? OR Are lessons aligned with state standards?

And lastly-

Is the material being covered at a level that is appropriately challenging to the students.

No matter how much you know about education, it should be fairly clear that these are all areas that are difficult to really say with any certainty whether they are being observed in a classroom. Of, if they are, to what extent.

What I took away from today's session, though, is the idea that evaluating these factors will hopefully lead to those teachers doing the evaluating make sure they focus on EAR when they design their lessons.

Again, so much of this stuff feels like "duh" stuff, as in, "Duh, shouldn't we already know this?"

I did not raise my hand and say that. It would have been disrespectful and rude.

Changing the Subject

I got my classroom assignment today. I'll be teaching 8th Grade Language Arts. Well, to start the year, I'll have 3 sections of 8th grade and 3 sections of 9th grade. My focus is to be on improving our writing scores. I can't wait! What an amazing year we're going to have.

I was talking with Dr. Shelley today and she showed me an article that ran in the New York Times about the school Phoenix is modeled after. Click here to read it. It's an amazing story we should definitely find inspiration in.

It's so funny to talk to people about Phoenix and tell them I'm working there and see the looks on their faces or hear their remarks of pity. They act as though I've been sent to detention. They just don't know, yet, that I'm working at what will be the most successful school in the county when the school year is done. Both Mr. Cantees and Dr. Shelley have made the comment that, "If we can just get the students in the building, they will be sold on coming to Phoenix." It's true.

Though this year will have it's challenges - I would be foolish and ignorant not to acknowledge that fact - it's successes will far outweigh any failures.

I can't wait.

Friday, July 08, 2005

First Posting

So Excited!
That's how I'm feeling about the upcoming school year. I can't wait to get things started at Phoenix. From out meetings working on the School Improvement Plan two weeks ago, I have no doubt we're gearing up for a tremendous year of success.

One of the best things that came out of the SIP meeting was also one of the first things we wrote, the school's mission statement. I'm a firm believer in the idea that you can't get where you're going without a map and a compass to guide you. This mission statement will act as our map and compass.
"What is the mission statement?" you ask? Well, let me tell you.

"Recognizing the individuality of each student, Phoenix Academy will meet the needs of every student, everyday."

That's what we're about. That's what we're going to do. It's going to be a tremendous year. I can't wait meet all of the new students!